Inn Style Vacations
Maximize your itinerary and minimize the mystery.
We help you plan and book your lodging and activities for your first, or next, trip to Moab. This concierge service is an excellent way to minimize your workload while building your customized itinerary. Our knowledgeable and resourceful Reservationists will find and book for you a place to stay, private MTB rides with our professional Guide staff, and other activities that are of interest you. For example – Hiking, Canyoneering, River Rafting, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Scenic Flights, Star Gazing, Horseback Riding, etc.
To get started, call or email us with your vacation date window, number in your party (include name, height, and age), and list of your preferred activities. Be advised, we charge a 10-15% concierge fee for this service. We know Moab – where, when, and who to go with.